Ipsum Tempor

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Mengenai Saya

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Bekasi City, West Java, Greenland
fat girl yang bener bener lagi pengen langsing

Ultricies Eget

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failure notice

after school me in surprise by something. okay I was too excessive. I just remembered my old projects.
my mom gives a large brown envelope wrapped pelastik TIKI, TIKI oh I remember getting my project yesterday. I followed my project is a competition and I know that I didn't win, the competition is only days away and I didn't get the news that I won. oh fine I'll actually still love my project even though it is not.
I'm curious about the contents of the envelope.

oh shit! hard to open!

oh a little melancholy indeed, my masterpiece is returned to me as a sign is not accepted.
it's ok. This is not the end of all this is nothing.

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